RECENT SCOTUS DECISION WILL OPEN FLOOD GATES TO NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONTROL OF YOUR CHILD’S FUTURE Please, those of you who, SINCE COVID19 became the subject of the day, appear to have given up (disappeared from the Internet) get back on your dirty white...
God bless Rosa. Forward to ALL everywhere, including abroad. Get involved at local level, as she recommends. No other way to beat the evil unelected atheist/humanist/eugenics-oriented globalists who are using COVID-19 to implement non-human agenda. YOU MUST WATCH TWO...
SOVIET UNION/RUSSIAN INTEREST IN U.S.A. ELECTIONS (Bush I, Biden, and Trump…1988) Isn’t it about time the American people look back a bit to Soviet Union interest in USA elections, a nd especially in the following three Presidential candidates in 1988?...
Skinnerian Rewards and Punishment to Decrease Population (MICHIGAN, 1971) From: the deliberate dumbing down of america, page 100 “REVISED REPORT OF POPULATION SUBCOMMITTEE, GOVERNOR’S ADVISORY COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ” for the State of Michigan, to be used at...
Bari Weiss Resigns From New York Times Opinion Post In a letter posted online Tuesday, she cites “bullying by colleagues” and an “illiberal environment.” “Bari Weiss, a writer and editor for the opinion department of The New York Times, has resigned from the...
Transcription of 1963 comments of Malcolm X, American black civil rights leader: Following is text of introductory statement by brilliant patriot who made this entire Malcolm X/Griffin/Bezmenov You Tube presentation possible and available to the American public at...
This SCOTUS decision represents a lethal blow to citizens’ constitutional right to vote on education budgets. It will set a deadly Constitutional precedent for funding of other services. Such taxation without representation was major cause of the American...
by DDD Staffer Everyone knows that the spread of any contagious disease is made worse by people living in close quarters. There is a movement called “new urbanism” created by a Cuban Master Planner named Andrés Duany. It is being promoted all over the...
A QUESTION NEVER ANSWERED If the United States of America is, as is being blasted all over our country and the world, such an evil, racist nation… Why is it the one nation in the world to which all other nationalities want to immigrate?
I have some interesting old tracts out of the Soviet Union entitled “American Negro Problem” which prove how the Soviet Union (communists in high places) were involved in attempt to use American blacks to subvert America. One copy of the aforementioned...