Sen. Appel’s Most Alarming Admission

This YouTube clip of Louisiana Senator Conrad Appel, uploaded last September 2013, has had only 95 hits! Is the counter broken? It may be! Did anyone click on it when it was posted on my blog yesterday? SEE yesterday’s post and watch the 16 second recording:...

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of the Village

How New Orleans Charter Schools have become the Global Model for the Community Education Agenda …New Orleans is… the nation’s first and only all-charter school district, the Recovery School District [RSD]. The system of charter schools, which are run by...

Down With Finnish Curriculum

Return to the education that Kenny Hignite had in the mid-1950s in central California! Here is a 1954 public school test on the U.S. Constitution, 8th Grade, on which Hignite received a score of 98: Constitution Test – Kenny Hignite – 8th Grade This test...

The 3-Legged Stool of School “Choice”

HERE IS HOW I TRY TO EXPLAIN SCHOOL CHOICE I USE THE THREE-LEGGED STOOL ANALOGY. There are three legs to the FREE American system: 1. Representative government (a free political system) 2. Free market system (a free economy) 3. Freedom of thought (free will/speech...

Bill Ayers, Political Right, Political Left and “Choice”

This article combines both Parts 1 and 2 Part 1: The Carnegie Corporation is Behind the School “Choice”/Charter Agenda John Ayers, brother of Bill Ayers (“Weatherman”) orchestrating “choice.” The political Left and the political Right have the same “Trojan Horse”...

The Plan: Cradle to Grave

THE FUTURE OF AMERICA WITH UNELECTED BOARDS! ARE AMERICANS GOING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS? From Cradle… To Grave… The Plan: Initiated in 1946, with planning and full pilot implementation 1946-1999, going in nationwide right now. The Plan requires Common...

Carnegie Corporation Behind School Choice/Charter School Agenda

Congress must resume investigation of tax-exempt foundations including so-called conservative foundations. Please listen to my interview with Dr. Stan Monteith from June 18, 2014 and forward it to all your lists and to media, talk shows, etc.! I spilled all the beans...

Resume the 1953-1954 Reece Committee

INVESTIGATION OF THE TAX-EXEMPT FOUNDATIONS! Listen to Charlotte Iserbyt’s audio interview with Dr. Stanley Monteith, 6/18/14 You can listen to me (Charlotte) discussing the highly-funded neoconservative bandwagon (movies, books, conferences, TV shows, etc.)...

The School of the Hub

ALERT: Parents are on the OUTSIDE of this circle because of the new definition of FAMILY. This is regarding a previous blog post “Womb to Tomb,” reviewing the article by Patrick Wall titled “City launches $52 million plan to turn 40 schools into...

Womb to Tomb

UNDER THE UNELECTED COUNCIL FORM OF GOVERNMENT! While the American public has been diverted into focusing only on the evils of Common Core, the lifelong womb-to-tomb community education train races across the nation at top speed. All it needs to assure its success is...