Kavanaugh Hearings

Not being a supporter of President Trump, I should also be opposed to the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh. Not being a supporter of President of George Bush, Jr., for whom Judge Kavanaugh worked in the White House, or in support of Bush’s agenda, I should also...

Treason: Trump, DeVos, and Their Trained Neocon Lab Rats

This Education Week article, “Students Aren’t Lab Rats. Stop Treating Them Like They Are”, prompted me to write this response. “It’s been decades since academic psychology took behaviorism seriously, so why is education stuck in the...

Internationalization of Education: The G20

FOR THE DOUBTERS REGARDING INTERNATIONALIZATION OF EDUCATION and USA INVOLVEMENT: Read every single word of this international education plan in which the USA is deeply involved. G20 underscores need to place education at the centre of the global agenda “The G20...

Right Gone Left

So sad when one of our own, who had done so much to educate Americans by publishing articles related to the “real (commie) agenda” makes such a bizarre turn I can hardly describe my disillusionment. Take a look at all the articles I wrote at News With...

Parliamentary Form of Government on the Horizon?

TO DO LIST FOR AMERICANS: The Hegelian Dialectic (create problem, people scream, impose solution) is being played out every day, related to every aspect of our lives, at every level of government. A good example would be the last election. Just because Hillary was so...

Smoke of Satan – Return to Tradition

If not now, when? Forgive the disjointedness of this article. It was a difficult one to put together…so much history and seemingly irrelevant connections, but relevant they are if one is bewildered regarding what they see on the Nightly News or read in most all...

Revelation: Must Watch Video

I am blown away by the significance of Chuck Untersee’s Revelation disc set (link below is provided for free viewing for a limited time). Chuck and Anita Untersee, I believe, were touched by the hand of God when they decided to put whatever family resources they...

Much Ado About Nothing

This article puts some meat on bones of Maine Heritage’s applause (below) for passage of Rep. Sampson’s LD 1666, so-called repeal of the mandate that school districts give out diplomas according to “proficiency-based” education standards. Last night we...

Hidden Education Agenda

Two quotes from Sir Edmund Burke – “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” and “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN (THEIR SOULS AND INTELLECTS); IF YOU CARE ABOUT...

Community, or Communist Oriented Policing (COPS) Update

The Portland, Maine Community Policing Overview (link below) covers every facet of your family’s life. Even I was amazed at the extent to which those involved are going to control all Americans at the local level, lifelong, through the New Policing. This is a...