The Great Neoconservative Deception

For those who don’t understand (and I don’t blame them) who is running the show to destroy our form of government education, and economy: how can anyone know what has happened when the research of patriot activists has been boycotted by those running the...

Heritage Foundation: An Exposé

[Original article written on May 3, 2016, updated here.] The Heritage Foundation drafted NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). American jobs and companies have moved to foreign countries rendering American workers jobless. NAFTA has also impacted American...

Patriots or Manchurian Candidates?

A WARNING FOR ALL PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES Check carefully track record of your education policy advisors. This article is written for two reasons: (1) To provide evidence that President Reagan evidently was interested enough in the content of my 1982 letter to him to...

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

“A day late and a dollar short”. (US, idiomatic) Action that was taken too late and is too feeble to be of any use. I, Charlotte Iserbyt, former Sr. Policy Advisor in the U.S. Dept. of Education, 1981-1983, have, up until the past few years, been calling...

Carnegie’s Communist Manifesto for America

Documentation for all statements in this article is provided at the conclusion of this post. Smoking Gun: Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies, Carnegie Corporation, 1934 ABOLISH ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION KILL S. 1787, the Full Service...

The United States is Being Turned Into a Communist Country

(This is part 2 of a series, posted here because regionalism is rearing its ugly head in every town in America.) Give “Planning is Socialism’s Trademark” (below) to your elected and appointed officials who are pushing regionalism, not understanding its history: roots...