IMPORTANT CAVEAT: Most of the information in two articles “Former Russian Premier/ex-KGB Head to Work for Homeland Security” and “Former KGB Heads Hired to Help Spy on Americans” by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt must be attributed solely to Al...
Most of us are aware of the Reece Committee Hearings in 1953 during which Norman Dodd was told by the President of the Ford Foundation that the Foundation received its orders from the White House on how it should spend its tax-exempt monies. The orders were to spend...
Americans are accustomed to sitting in front of “the box” and watching sitcoms or their favorite team vanquish its opponent. Recently it seems to this reader that they have added another sport to their list for viewing: POLITICS. They sit watching the...
Nothing much shocks this writer anymore. The misnamed Patriot Act, the Orwellian Office of Homeland Security, Bush’s alliance with ex-KGB Putin, the trampling on our God-given rights through UN treaties, the United Nations Lifelong Education Plan referred to by...
by Detective Phil Worts The consensus (dialectic) process There is a myth that communism is dead and that the cold war is over. Nothing could be further from the truth. The problem is that few people today understand what communism really is and just where the cold...