Intelligence Reform’s Internal Passport

New Report Calls Maine 2020 Senate Race A ‘Toss-Up’ [2019 Update] In my humble opinion, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, should not be allowed to offer lessons in civics at Mt. Ararat Middle School or any other school (Dec. 8, Sen. Collins offers lesson in...

“Achtung! Your Passport, Bitte”

Does an article in The New York Times 10/11/04 entitled “Congress Close to Establishing Rules for Drivers’ Licenses”, by Matthew L. Wald, have anything to do with the Bush Administration’s hiring of ex-KGB Chiefs Primakov (also former President...

Peter Drucker’s Role in Education Reform

In November 1994, The Atlantic Monthly published an article titled “The Age of Social Transformation,” by Peter Drucker. This article explains much about the ideology behind education reform, particularly the offensive concept of calling children...

Many Ways to Skin a Cat

Our family is asking friends and acquaintances to “vote Constitution Party (Peroutka), vote your conscience, elections are not horse races”. I follow that up with: Splitting the vote is probably the best thing to do to keep Bush from winning. The faster...

You’ll Know It’s True When It Happens to You

“Next week the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case to decide whether or not all Americans must have identification on them at all times. The case has been brought by a cowboy in Nevada who was asked to show ID while leaning against his pickup truck on the side...

Regionalism IS Communism

[NOTE: This article, written in February 2004. relates to what is going on across the nation today. When written in 2004 regionalism, consolidation of schools, etc. was being promoted by our socialist governor Baldacci. What is important today is that this very same...

Walks Like a Duck; Talks Like a Duck

What we are looking at today in the United States of America is a “communist”, not “fascist” takeover of the United States. We must not fall for left-wing media description of Bush as a “fascist”, although most of his actions fit...

Happy New Year: Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Charlotte is keeping her eye on the ball. She has become so lazy about filing that she has only two files: No. 1 for just about everything of major “general” significance and No. 2 which relates to the “communization of America”, the...

Uncle Sam Wants YOU, Your SISTER, and Your GIRL FRIEND or WIFE

Note: This article is relevant to what is happening in 2021 due to legislation being proposed to DRAFT WOMEN. Uncle Sam Wants YOU, Your SISTER, and Your GIRL FRIEND or WIFE by Ginny Baker, Charlotte Iserbyt, Berit Kjos and Mary Thompson The Universal National Service...

United States-Russian Merger: A Done Deal?

In 42 B.C. Cicero said “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the...