“Governance” – Eradication of Representative Government

No Way, ESEA! Marc Tucker’s Goodbye to Your Rights and Freedoms — http://abcsofdumbdown.blogspot.com/2014/08/marc-tucker-captain-of-academic-titanic.html (This article will be moved to DDD) The following information underscores the importance of this...

Common Core Devil’s Fork

The Devil’s Fork Has NINE Prongs! On January 13, 2007 I published an article on NewsWithViews titled “THE DEVIL’S SEVEN-PRONG FORK.” I now recognize a few more prongs in this fork! Here is a summary of the first seven prongs: Prong One:...

Common Core Results

Guess who said this? The fact that no one made demands on her knowledge in her special field was lucky for S~. Not only she but many of her girl friends had graduated from the institute without any such knowledge. There were many reasons for this… For their...

COMMON CORE: The Madness is in the Method

Another Neoconservative’s Horse’s Mouth Tells it Like it is… A disturbing interview regarding Heartland Institute’s new book REWARDS: Interviewer: “Let’s turn to Part 1 of the book Rewards which contains four chapters. Today we will...

Charters Kill True Choice

The End of Representative Government… The Beginning of Global “Governance” Government of the people, by the people, for the people?! According to Reed Hastings of Netflix you only have 20-30 years of freedom left! Get out to vote now, because you...

Have the Chickens Come Home to Roost?

Hardly! Willard Garvey’s chickens coming home to roost…? Or double speak…? Talking out of both sides of their mouths…? A LETTER TO PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN WAS WRITTEN BY WILLARD W. GARVEY, executive director of the National Center for...

“Birds of a Feather Flock Together”

“Thompson: Common Core Will Double Dropout Rate, Says Carnegie Corporation*,” by John Thompson, Scholastic Administrator, August 6, 2014. The writer asks: “The goal of Carnegie “Challenge” research papers is “to lift up ideas and issues in a way that...

Charter Schools for Dummies

HOME SCHOOLERS BEWARE! SIZZLING CHARTER SCHOOL DOCUMENTATION! This post covers documentation regarding history of charter school implementation out of Minnesota in the early 1990s. This piece of documentation includes information compiled concerning: Skinnerian...

Black Common Sense Reigns!

Black Homeschoolers: Those Who Had the Most to Lose Now Have the Most to Gain!…and are the fastest growing segment of homeschooling numbers in the nation. “African American homeschooling on the rise, over 200,000 Black parents are homeschooling their...

There is Nothing New Under the Sun!

The Early Days of the U.S. Dept. OF Ed-Funded Common (COMMUNIST) Core Video: 1989 Governors Conference-Shirley McCune “Governors Conference on Education, Wichita, KS 11-2-1989 “Schools, Goals & the 1990s” In addition to her credentials as an...