Sam Clovis, ex-Trump Appointee

Trump’s campaign co-chair describes higher education policies being developed The Obama administration has also been notable for overseeing many more investigations of colleges on how they handle sex assaults and for guidance that has encouraged colleges to take...

3D Update: The Destruction of Sound Morals and Values

Following is text taken from a 15-page Update section of the updated version of 3D. The balance of the Update dealt with school choice/charters, etc. I have a copy of a report entitled “Human Relations Training”, State of Maine which was implemented across...

Is This Happening in Your State?

From January 2018: “The police are the enforcers of the thievery practiced by the One Percent. The main function of the police in America is to suppress the citizens.” Read more: The US Has Devolved into a Police State “Oct 2, 2015 – The...

Changing Values 1968

“Learning and Instruction, A Chicago Inner City Schools Position Paper” presented in June of 1968 to the Chicago Board of Education, was produced by the planning staff in Chicago made up of Dr. Donald, William Farquhar, Lee Shulman, and the Chicago and...

Too Late to the Table?

Hurting Authentic Education Reform There is no depth to which these people will descend to get themselves out of trouble. Did Donna Garner and other so-called pro-family-conservatives, in all states, not know their state “conservative” groups are part of...

Politics is America’s Biggest Spectator Sport

..and the deadly ‘COPS’ program Americans are accustomed to sitting in front of the screen and watching sitcoms or their favorite ‘sports’ team vanquish its opponent. It now seems they have added another sport to their list for viewing:...

A Critique of the “RED PILL EXPO” — Its Issues and Speakers

by Charlotte Iserbyt Introduction According to this article in the Washington Post “White House to propose merging Labor and Education into one agency as centerpiece of federal government overhaul” — “The plan to consolidate the Labor and Education departments, which...

Introduction to Articles Section

[This post will remain at the top of the list of articles] Here is where we intend to catalogue ALL of Charlotte T. Iserbyt’s writings in one place. Articles will be collected, added and UPDATED from the versions that may have appeared on other websites, and...

The Highjacking Of The Traditional Conservative Movement

This is a 4-12-2018 update to a previous article. Be sure to listen to the Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing Audio Interview (A) The Heritage Foundation Agenda 1. Heritage Foundation’s Stuart Butler, UK origin, was involved in Heritage Foundation policy making...