“When training beats education, civilization dies”. ~ C.S. Lewis Listening, this Sunday morning, November 25, 2018, to Schubert’s “Unfinished Symphony”(1822), motivated me to write this article. The totalitarian/unconstitutional...
Arkhangelsk Region Overview by Igor Yegorov, BISNIS Representative in Northwest Russia March 2003 (See related article – History of Archangel-Maine Rule of Law Project) Summary Arkhangelsk Region belongs to the Northwest Russia Federal District and is located in...
The Archangel (Russia) Committee page was last modified on November 23, 2010 but was taken down shortly after that. September 2003 I. SUMMARY In 1988, the cities and towns that make up Greater Portland, Maine established a vibrant Sister City Relationship with the...
This pre-school education is a VITAL part of workforce training and is taken from Soviet Pre-School Education Model [Vols. I & II]. I have a copy of the primary resource (book) and you can still buy it at Amazon (see above link). I was lucky to find the following...
Dear ex-Republican candidate for Governor Maine Shawn Moody: Sorry you lost and gave Governorship to Attorney Janet Mills. Had you used the information we gave your campaign, months ago, regarding Attorney General Janet Mills’ “rat chain” malicious...
I had been in touch with Jon Gale regarding our support for his candidacy against ADA Sahrbeck who is running for the District Attorney job as an Independent. Sahrbeck ran the whole steered GJ hearings related to Sam’s case. DA Stephanie Anderson, Republican,...
Cowardly “Patriots” Ignore Calls for Help by Greatest Living American Heroine After Physical Attacks on Family by Gary Arnold, The White Paper Charlotte Iserbyt is an American freelance writer who served as the Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of...
VOTE FOR ANYONE BUT AG JANET MILLS FOR GOVERNOR! (For those in other states: do you have socialist AGs running for Governor?) Do you want Mills as Maine’s “Top Cop”? Following article relates to Dept. of Health and Human Services corruption in state...
C. S. Lewis: “So, finding in the soul an appetite for such things, and knowing no appetite is made by God in vain, Lewis concludes that the pursuit of the liberal arts is pleasing to God and is possibly, for some, a God-given vocation… …Truly, we...
Here is an excerpt from 3D book, page 282: [Ed. Note: ASCD’s involvement in this local school district’s curriculum was a logical follow up to its involvement from the beginning in Robert Muller’s World Core Curriculum, upon which District 4J’s curriculum was based....