I know the Heritage and Heartland-associated woman (Lindsey Burke) who spoke at a Maine Heritage luncheon about five years ago. Steve Schrann and I spoke at that same luncheon in opposition to her charter school proposals. She started the ball rolling in Maine. She is no fool; is taking her orders from commie Heritage and Heartland Foundation which supported the US-Soviet education agreements which, of course, require soviet polytechnical education.
Professor Herbert Walberg, one of the directors of Heartland, wrote the book “Results”.
Let’s Pay Students to Learn
Walberg is also one of UNESCO’s top behavioral psychologists. Take a look of all these links regarding Walberg:
Teaching Speaking, Listening and Writing. Educational Practices Series-14.
Improving Student Learning: Action Principles for Families, Schools
Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement
Improving School Science in Advanced and Developing Countries
I have warned all our brilliant researchers who support Trump. He advocated for school choice in his book “Crippled America”. Donald Trump’s four good ideas — and four bad ones — in ‘Crippled America’