The late patriot Congressman John Ashbrook, R. Ohio, to whom I dedicated my book the deliberate dumbing down of america, 1999 (free pdf at wrote the following letter dated 12/5/79 to the late Bettina Dobbs, President, Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM)and Charlotte Iserbyt, GEM founder and Research Director:

“Keep up the good work with GEM. I wish we had an effective organization like that in every State; if we did there would be a lot less destructive tinkering with our educational system and with our children’s minds.”

In the late nineteen seventies the membership of Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM) managed to have removed from 75% of Maine’s public school districts a tax-exempt foundation/fed/state-funded “health education” program (out of Berkeley, California) which included as one of its objectives for 12th graders instruction related to “the three types of sexual intercourse, including with animals”. This type of immoral education shortly thereafter became standard for children K-12.

Many on my list belong/belonged to the pro-family/anti-sex education groups that sprang up after passage of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 1965 which funded the development and dissemination of such programs, which NOW are being disseminated internationally by the communist anti-God, family, or country United Nations.

Gloria Lentz’s book “Raping Our Children” is a good example of the superb writing going on at that time… on this very, very important subject.

Full article about the UN is here at C-Fam website: UN Agency Wants to Force Controversial Sex-Ed on All Children By Rebecca Oas, Ph.D.