Keller: Iowa Caucus Debacle And Consequences For Democratic Candidates

Jon Keller says we will be left with some sobering lessons when the Iowa caucus jokes fade.

“When the Iowa jokes fade, we will be left with some sobering lessons.

High tech can be a blessing when it works, a curse when it doesn’t. A case can be made that no important social function, like baby-sitting and caucusing, should ever be outsourced to it.

And all those states invested in fancy technology to record their upcoming votes? They’d be better off sticking with paper ballots.”



How Kenny Hignite Became Famous – 1954 American Constitution 8th grade test – The Power Hour Radio Show


Iowa debacle: One of results of the 2016 over a trillion dollar annual education budget (federal, state, and local) which exceeded that of 2016 annual defense budget. (Stats provided upon request).

Madeline Will – When Teachers Are Tough Graders, Students Learn More, Study Says

“A new study finds that students perform better on end-of-year standardized tests when their teachers are tough graders—and argues that the “mindset that says ‘everybody gets a gold star’ does more damage than good.”

Charlotte: Students, 66 years from 1954 date of above Hignite test, can’t add, subtract, multiply, divide, read, write, speak properly, have no history whatsoever, and, for the most part, their traditional values, such as “love your neighbor”, taught in the home and at church, are ignored, at best.

Our children, generally speaking, through no fault of their own, are illiterate, exhibit outrageous behavior; can only operate in the collective; never as individuals.

They are savvy regarding use of computer and all their hand held tech devices and depend on Facebook for social interaction that used to take place, interestingly enough “in person: face to face”.

Could such a deliberate dumbing down and technology’s role in destruction of vital traditional interpersonal behavior patterns be one of factors leading to the lack of empathy so prevalent in our nation today?

If so, something had better change, and quickly.

Maybe the Iowa Primary tech catastrophe will teach us something? Like bringing “empathy” back into the equation of “who we are as a people?”

First step might be to return to old system of voting in the primaries at the polls, waiting in line where you might even be forced to talk to your neighbor, who recently had a heart attack, with whom you hadn’t spoken for over one year?

Just a “baby step” but important in a society so divided, a society dependent on computer technology which proved itself a failure last night in Iowa, and which will in the future, if not checked, allow more “Iowas”: failures in other important areas of our lives.