If not now, when?
Forgive the disjointedness of this article. It was a difficult one to put together…so much history and seemingly irrelevant connections, but relevant they are if one is bewildered regarding what they see on the Nightly News or read in most all media now, due to Satanic activities taking place worldwide, and especially evil activities being perpetrated upon the youngest of children, many of whom are captive, behind closed doors.
Essence of this article is to provide evidence of how the tragic breakdown in morality in the United States and globally has been brought about significantly by infiltration of Masonic and communist thought/philosophy into the Christian religion, regardless of sect. The Catholic Church was, I believe, the first religion to experience such attack.
Pope Paul VI and the Smoke of Satan
From Charlotte, recent convert from the Anglican Church to Traditional Catholicism:
Not being a “birth Catholic”, I admit to NOT being a scholar in “Matters related to the History of the Catholic Church”. The reader of this article should keep that in mind at all times.
Isn’t it time for “someone” in the mainstream secular media and liberal Catholic press to admit the only solution to the utter Masonic/Satanic evil sweeping through The Vatican and spilling out all over this planet is for the Catholic Church to return to pre-Vatican II doctrine and practices as recommended by Monsieur Marcel Lefebvre (The Order of Pius X)?
During a Latin Mass tour to the Vatican in which I participated in 1999 our small group of traditional Catholics had the extreme privilege of “after dinner” discussions with the late great English convert to Catholicism, Michael Davies, and the late Cardinal Alfons Stickler.
I recall clearly and will never forget Cardinal Stickler’s very important remark to the effect that “the time will come when Catholics, who have bought into the radical changes brought about by Vatican II, will, if the Society of St. Pius X is allowed to exist (flourish), be able to jump from their sinking, increasingly satanic/evil Vatican II ship, onto Monsieur Marcel Lefebvre’s barque (lifeboat) the Society of St. Pius X.”
From the journal of Dr. Robert Moynihan: Tuesday, August 28, 2018
“If I had not done it, I would not have been able to respect myself.” ~ Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, on why he fought financial corruption inside the Vatican over many years, making many enemies…
A Story about How Archbishop Viganò’s “Testimony” Came to Be
The text linked here was published 8-28-2018, in Italian, by Italian Catholic journalist Aldo Maria Valli on his blog. (The link provided is the same article in ENGLISH)
Valli tells us that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former apostolic nuncio to the United States, came to visit him twice this summer before publishing his 11-page report on Church cover-ups of sexual abuse.
In 1959, while working for the late Richard T. Davies, Public Affairs Advisor,Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Dept. of State, a cable came across my desk, the contents of which came as a shock to not only me (Anglican at that time), but also to Davies. The cable from the U.S. Embassy in Moscow related to the first visit of a Russian communist (Alexei Adzhubei, Editor of Izvestia) to the Vatican. Both of us asked “what is going on here?”
[Davies, Richard T., Public Affairs Adviser, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until July 1961; Counselor at Moscow from July 1961 until February 1963.]
Charlotte’s Comment: The late U.S. Ambassadors to the Soviet Union Richard T. Davies and Malcolm Toon, were not appreciated by the late Ambassador George Kennan due to their realistic assessment of Soviet long term policy and goals. [George F. Kennan, An American Life, by John Lewis Gaddis, pages 462-463 (Kennan’s negative comments regarding Davies and Toon).. ]
The following information may seem unrelated to the above subject, at least for one who has not been following communist infiltration of all segments of our society, especially religion, education and imposition of UN Agenda 21 (regionalism=communism).
See article related to 2015 Passage of The Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act which includes Amb. Toon’s comments in an ad concerned education researchers placed in The Washington Times in 1987 after President Reagan signed U.S.-USSR Education and Cultural Exchange Agreement with President Gorbachev of the Soviet Union, and the Carnegie Corporation signed exchange agreements with the Soviet Academy of Science in 1985.
Ambassador Malcolm Toon, a career foreign service officer and former American Ambassador to the Soviet Union under President Carter, said in a speech at the Hotchkiss School on November 1, 1985, “We must recognize the Soviet Union for what it is – a ruthless and brutal power… its leadership is conspiratorial in nature and its foreign policy inherently aggressive… The Soviets will extend and consolidate their power wherever they think they can do with impunity.”
Fast backward to first meeting with the Pope by Soviet communist editor of Izvestia in 1959 and ask yourself, what was going on in the Vatican hierarchy to allow for the first time a Russian communist journalist to meet with the Pope?
After graduating in 1952 he became its editor-in-chief. In 1958 Boris Pasternak, after receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature for his novel Dr Zhivago, became the target of a huge campaign of persecution. Khrushchev’s son Sergei, in his memoirs Khrushchev on Khrushchev, mentioned how Adzhubei came to Khrushchev and said: ‘Nikita Sergeyevich, have you heard a new joke? There are three plagues in Moscow: rak (cancer), Spartak (a football team at the time doing very badly) and Pasternak’. Sergei Khrushchev wrote: ‘My father’s face puckered. He disliked such cynical jokes.’ After Nikita Khrushchev’s sensational exposure of Stalin’s crimes and the millions of victims in the gulag, Adzhubei became ‘journalist number one’ and moved in 1959 as editor to Izvestia, the mass-circulation official daily. He began acting as his father-in-law’s envoy, visiting presidents and even meeting the Pope.