“A day late and a dollar short”. (US, idiomatic) Action that was taken too late and is too feeble to be of any use.
I, Charlotte Iserbyt, former Sr. Policy Advisor in the U.S. Dept. of Education, 1981-1983, have, up until the past few years, been calling for, pleading with the American people to contact their elected officials regarding the need to abolish the U.S. Department of Education. My little booklet Back to Basics Reform or OBE… Skinnerian International Curriculum, 1985, called for the reader to contact President Reagan to urge him to carry out his campaign promise to abolish the Department of Education. That little book was, curiously enough, boycotted by ALL major national conservative organizations. I have, however, over the past 4-5 years realized that the time for getting rid of the Department has passed due to reasons explained in this article.
A new neoconservative (Trotskyite) group (Parents Involved in Education, PIE) has been formed to, amongst other things, abolish the U.S. Department of Education, created in 1978 under President Carter, and retained under President Reagan 1980-1988, although one of his campaign promises was to abolish the U.S. Dept. of Education. Go to the PIE website for all the information on this movement. Read the article regarding its founder, Sherry Few, who is a candidate for S.C. Superintendent of Schools.
Be sure to click on following associated links to find out who is involved, who is on advisory board, etc. and come to your own conclusion regarding the legitimacy/purpose of this Parents Involved in Education group.
The neoconservatives, some mentioned in above links, who did little to fight/stop passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA (always coming in with opposition at the very last minute) are some of the individuals involved in the creation of PIE. Was their lack of enthusiasm, their unwillingness to join us old time researchers in killing ESSA, due to their secret wish that the ESSA would in fact pass? Is PIE connected in any way with The Conservative Reform Network which, after passage of ESSA, posted the following at its website: Take a look at this ESSA victory post. Hello, friends, and happy Bill of Rights Day!
Last week, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) largely replaced No Child Left Behind Act when President Obama signed it into law. Conservatives have much to celebrate with ESSA.
First, ESSA reduces the federal role in K-12 education. ESSA repeals a federal accountability system and 49 ineffective federal programs, and it eliminates Washington from deciding which teachers and schools are succeeding or failing.
Second, ESSA restores control of schools to states and local leaders. The law allows states to opt out of federal education programs and affirms that states control their own standards. ESSA also provides local school districts with greater funding flexibility.
Happy New Year – The Fat Lady Sings contains the information regarding (1) Obama Administration’s reaction to Republican cooperation/assistance in getting ESSA passed and (2) for an understanding of ESSA itself.
Why won’t abolishing the U.S. Department of Education eliminate the provisions of ESSA that are now law?
Even if PIE is successful in 2-3 years (which is very unlikely due to majority of Republicans who voted for and enabled passage of the communist ESSA); even if funding ceases from the federal level, the multi-billion dollar corporations, whose lifelong school-to-work/non-academic Skinnerian/TQM workforce training agenda must be implemented at the local level, will pick up the multi billion dollar tab and get tax-exemptions for doing so.
All the educational controlling mechanisms at the Federal Level are now at the State level.
It is the states that fund 93% of all education in America. “What’s the source of these funds? In most states, it’s sales and income taxes (both corporate and personal). But on a local level, these funds usually come from property taxes, which are set by the school board, local officials or citizens.”
In addition, the corporate fascist takeover of public education is on the move. Here’s how:
There is a growing movement across the country to establish state tax credits for corporations who fund school choice. Nineteen states already participate in this program In the year 2007-2008, $$76,708,207 was issued to Choice Scholarship tax credits in just Florida.
If the Department of Education is abolished, will that stop attempts of state pooling of district tax monies to fund state education?
If the U.S. Department of Education is abolished, will that prevent legislation abolishing the present property tax system in order to place the funding and control of our local schools in the State Departments of Education? This kind of legislation was narrowly defeated in Pennsylvania in 2015. “The legislation would have imposed a multibillion-dollar state takeover of public school funding from school boards and a monumental change in state taxation.”
If the U.S. Department of Education is abolished, will that prevent “teacher leaders” trained with all the Skinnerian/Pavlovian bells and whistles of “progressive 21st Century” education from moving into leadership positions and taking over all our local schools? This is according to the plans of Linda Darling Hammond, those from the Council of Chief State Schools Officers, and others.
To the above collectivist agenda add the local teacher-leaders program with plans of the powerful and heavily endowed CEE Trust (page 38) to set up a local Community Schools Board with an advisory board only. This teacher-led board, trained in progressive teaching methodolgies (i.e. Common Core et al.) would control all money and operations at the local level.
All the above can operate with or without the federal Department of Education.
The carrying out of The White House Private Sector Initiative and Carnegie Corporation’s 1934 plan (which has been enthusiastically adopted by most of the major corporate giants: Gates, Walmart, etc.) can be accomplished WITHOUT ANY FUNDING FROM THE U.S. DEPT. OF EDUCATION [See Addendum* for research related to The White House Private Sector Initiative and Carnegie Corporation’s Conclusions and Recommendation’s for the Social Studies.]
I predicted in the following quote from this July 13, 2015 article Senate Passes Communist Education Bill that neoconservatives involved in fighting Common Core and supporting tax-funded school choice, who did little to fight/stop passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA (always coming in with opposition at the very last minute) would, after the ESSA fray, start another “diversionary” movement to abolish the U.S. Dept. of Education.
Excerpt from article: “I understand via the grapevine that the same neoconservative organizations that did not oppose HR5 and S1177 until the very last minute are now planning a campaign to abolish the U.S. Dept. of Education.”
Here is a partial list of neocon groups: Heritage, Eagle Forum, Heartland, Freedom Works, American Principles, Women on the Wall, Pioneer, Americans for Prosperity, CATO Institute, Concerned Women for America, Hoover Institute, Truth in American Education, et al. Many of them have been funded by the Koch Brothers. These are Trotskyite organizations. Trotsky was a communist, not a conservative.
Note: We have verified that many, but perhaps not all, of the above organizations are part of this PIE movement. I urge the reader of this article to do his own research regarding neoconservative involvement in this effort. It is too early to determine the extent of the above organizations’ participation.
This PIE effort/diversion will again, similar to anti-Common Core effort, amass hundreds of thousands of tax-exempt dollars for the leading conservative groups supporting PIE’s effort… from the pocket books of concerned parents and innocent little old ladies in tennis shoes.
(Would that we grassroots patriots had even one hundredth of the budget of these highly-funded/tax-exempt groups. Reason we don’t even need a bank account or checkbook is that grassroots patriots refuse tax-exempt contributions, knowing that with a tax-exemption comes federal control.)
Even if ALL funding ceases from the U.S. Dept. of Education, as well as that pouring into our local schools from the Depts. of Health and Human Services and Labor, what is to keep the multibillion dollar corporations and tax-exempt foundations from picking up the tab?
After all, isn’t it they who are behind this corporate fascist/communist lifelong workforce training agenda, and who know that it must be implemented at the local level?
Repeat: the multibillion dollar corporations will pick up the tab for funding of education (workforce training) pre-Kindergarten to death. They need “the perfect TQM worker” to spin off profits for the global elite. The National Alliance of Business on its letterhead, in the nineties, stated the following: Kindergarten through Age 80 Workforce Training. This global workforce training agenda requires that ALL, repeat ALL children and ALL adults must be involved. What we are looking at is a global computerized pre-K through death system which incorporates the global/international computerized pre-testing of every human being’s attitudes, values and beliefs, and the Skinnerian/Pavlovian reorganization and post-testing of his/her value system to ensure complete compliance.
The most dangerous aspect of this PIE effort is that it will divert good Americans from fighting for the last vestiges of national/constitutional freedom at their state capitols, cities, and, especially, at the local level/towns where the United Nations 2030 agenda is playing out as I write.
Does PIE really believe that those socialist Republicans who voted for ESSA are going to vote to abolish/defund the very U.S. Dept. of Education which funds the ESSA Title programs incorporated in the ESSA for which they voted?
(1) Will Americans support another expensive (tax-exempt foundation-funded) group known as Parents Involved in Education (U.S. PIE) who are involved in another useless and time-consuming dangerous diversion from saving what’s left of our freedoms at the local level? Doesn’t PIE know that the state departments of education are perfectly capable of implementing the federal international agenda without further help from the U.S. Dept. of Education?
(2) Will they demand that every single state department of education be abolished and that responsibility for our nation’s and our children’s futures be restored to the LOCAL LEVEL, run by elected school boards and elected school superintendents. Will they stop in their tracks all tax-funded school choice/charters with unelected boards, planning for socialist consolidation of schools, community schools, which will control (track lifelong) ALL Americans, and which will provide ALL services (womb to tomb): health and mental health, early childhood-K-university brainwashing education, workforce training, leisure, etc/ – all under the umbrella of the UNELECTED COUNCIL (SOVIET) form of “governance”. Will they dismantle all appointed city/town councils/boards and replace them with elected boards?
Do not fall for this new neoconservative Trotskyite diversion which will, anew, as did their failed anti-Common Core battle, fill the pockets of the tax-exempt neoconservative foundations and undo whatever important victories the unorganized grassroots education/political activists has had over the past fifty years. The work of hundreds of disorganized/faceless/nameless American patriots, some no longer with us, postponed our nation’s demise, which some have said was scheduled for 1976. [See Addendum*]
[Please go to recent posts for information on recent unconstitutional actions which will affect Americans at the local level.]
If our nation is to survive the attacks of the globalists, corporatists, humanists, atheists, socialists, communists, neoconservative Trotskyites, et al, we must immediately at the state and local levels:
(1) Study the United States Constitution and educate others in how to remain and hold onto our Free Constitutional Republic.
(2) Organize very loosely at the local level… (no groups that can be infiltrated by the Trotskyite “ism” people) .
(3) Abolish all United Nations (internationally and federally-controlled and funded over past 50 years) state departments of education.
(4) Kill all tax-funded school choice and charters with unelected boards that are required for lifelong workforce training, not traditional academics.
(5) Contact our locally elected officials (selectmen, etc.) and demand they cease attending UN Agenda 2030 meetings, and participating in activities/exchanges with foreign countries.
(6) Draft legislation at the state level to remove our states from involvement in any UN-associated groups, Smart Growth conferences, etc.
(7) Prior to their election, determine candidates’ loyalty to the U.S. Constitution. Have them sign a piece of paper, holding their feet to the fire, stating their allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America and their opposition to UN Global Government. Get that statement notarized. If they go outside the Constitution, go after them in the next election.
(8) Resume the National Postcard Project to call for removal of the United States from the United Nations. This project initiated by this writer and the late Rosalind Haley of Texas, a member of the Council for National Policy, was attempted in the 1990s, but was unable to get any traction due to the refusal of Council for National Policy (CNP) members, including Heritage Foundation and other very well known groups, to whom we wrote requesting support for the effort. Letters were sent to all groups and individuals involved in the CNP requesting their support. There was only one response from Lou Sheldon of Traditional Values. There is legislation submitted by Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers to withdraw from the United Nations. Congressman Mike Rogers Introduces Bill to Get U.S. Out of UN.
A good example of violating the U.S. Constitution took place when such a high majority of Republicans, who had sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution, voted in favor of the communist education bill (ESSA) that passed last July, 2015. These Republicans should be recalled for their violation of many principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.
(By the way, many votes in Congress, in our State Legislatures, and even at the local level, would have been considered ACTS OF TREASON prior to World War II and the U.S. entry into the communist United Nations!)
In other words, time is of the essence for those Americans who want to hold onto the greatest experiment in human freedom in the history of the world.
We cannot allow the creation of another elitist neoconservative Trotskyite tax-exempt group to divert us from fighting the real battles at the local and state levels.
We cannot allow tax-exempt Parents Involved in Education, whose coffers will undoubtedly be filled by those who will benefit from the globalist school to work agenda, to DIVERT Americans, as happened with the anti-Common Core movement, from focusing on efforts to focus on the survival of our towns, cities, and states, as free constitutionally-established entities.
By the way, what did that time-consuming anti-common core (another diversionary movement) accomplish? Nothing. Common Core is evident throughout the recently passed ESSA. It will NEVER die as long as schools take tax money.
This writer was the U.S. Dept. of Education’s liaison with President Reagan’s White House Private Sector Initiative which resulted in merging the public and private sector necessary for moving our nation’s highly successful pure capitalist economic system to a totalitarian “planned” economy called for by Carnegie Corporation in 1934.
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (aka DDD or 3D) — Page 358:
The following quote from an article in the May 14, 1984 issue of The Washington Post entitled “Industrial Policy Urged for GOP” sheds some light on behind-the-scenes activities which have led to acceptance of corporate-fascist workforce training necessary for a planned economy:
‘A conservative study group founded by supporters of President Reagan is about to issue a
report that advocates Republicans shed some of their deep-rooted antipathy to a planned economy. The “Industrial Policy Debate” is to be issued today by the Institute for Contemporary Studies, a think tank founded by Presidential Counselor Edwin Meese, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, and other Reagan supporters.’
The White House Private Sector Initiative was the first “public” step towards implementing Carnegie’s corporate fascist/communist global school-to- work agenda (Carnegie’s Marc Tucker lead man over past 30 years) now being carried out by the public education system and major international corporations using primarily tax-funded charter schools with unelected boards. Proposals for tax-funded school choice/charters with unelected boards could never have gotten off the ground without this initiative out of the White House,and the Reagan-Gorbachev and Carnegie Corporation-Soviet Academy of Science agreements with the Soviet Union in 1985. Charter schools are in Russia; charter schools are international.
DDD, page 290:
The following information related to the New American School Development Corporation, which allowed for private corporations to submit proposals for a “new” type of school [charters, ed. ] for the 21st century, is very important.
President George Bush requested that the business community raise funds to support development
of “radical, break-the-mold” schools (one in each Congressional district) which would in the future be known as “charter schools” (public school “choice” schools).19 The Request for Proposals from NASDC required that:
Design teams should define the scope and focus of their own work. Student age-grouping may be unconventional, and designs may serve students younger than five years of age and older than eighteen; students need not all be assembled in a single building or at a particular time of day; the school day and school year may be redefined. The duties of administrators, teachers, volunteers, parents, and all other adults may be changed… The design may entail major changes in community governance, community structures and the functions of other institutions such as public health agencies and welfare departments. Alternatively, designs may adopt conventional arrangements for any of above.”
Of utmost importance for the average American to understand, in regard to implementation of the above communist agenda, is the role of the tax-exempt Heritage Foundation in all of the above activities. Heritage is considered to be one of the most important, if not the most important, think tank in the world. The Heritage Foundation has an affiliate in most states and is No. 1 supporter of tax-funded school choice/charter schools with unelected boards necessary for Soviet workforce training. I would be surprised if Heritage Foundation is not providing support to PIE in its effort to dismantle the U.S. Dept. of Education.
Excerpts from from the deliberate dumbing down of america, will help the reader understand Heritage’s key role in changing America’s constitutional form of government and public education system through the North American Free Trade Agreement, regional government, and tax-funded school choice/charters with unelected boards, all necessary components of communist world government.
Does U.S. Parents Involved in Education (PIE) really believe its effort to bring down the U.S. Department, at this late date, when everything is in place at the state level, nationally and internationally, will make a bit of difference? Will PIE be able to dissolve the NAFTA education agreements, discussed below, which have been in place for 23 years? Will PIE be able to dissolve the U.S.-Soviet education agreements signed in 1985? [3D, page 304]
The 1993 Annual Report of the Heritage Foundation of Washington, D.C. dedicated to their twentieth year celebration, revealed the following:
3D, pages “The idea of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) originated with Heritage
Fellow Richard Allen and has long been advocated by Heritage policy analysts… The idea of
creating a North American free trade zone from the Yukon to the Yucatan was first proposed by Heritage Distinguished Fellow Richard Allen in the late 1970s, refined by then Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan, and further developed in a major 1986 Heritage Foundation study”.(p. 4)
3D, pages 315-316
THE IMPACT ON EDUCATION OF THE UNITED STATES SIGNING THE NORTH AMERICAN FREE Trade Agreement was discussed in an article entitled “USIA’s Grants Go to Schools in NAFTA Nations” published in the September 12, 1993 edition of The Washington Times. Some excerpts follow:
United States Information Agency Director Joseph Duffey attending a four-day “implementation”
conference at Vancouver, British Columbia, yesterday announced the first North American three-way university affiliation grants to involve exchanges of faculty and staff among Canadian, Mexican and U.S. universities for teaching, lecturing, research and curriculum development.
3D, page 320:
“conservative” think tank in the nation), chaired the United States Information Agency’s (USIA) Commission on Public Diplomacy in 1986. The annual report carried a cover letter from Feulner as chairman encouraging the acceptance of its recommendations. Under “Educational and Cultural Programs, Exchanges and International Visitors” the report states in part:
The Commission urges USIA, the Department of State, and the relevant private sector organizations
to move quickly to develop specific programs for U.S.-Soviet exchanges pursuant to the General Exchanges accord, other exchange initiatives undertaken at the Geneva Summit, and the agreement by President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev to review these programs at their next meeting.
[Ed. Note: The Heritage Foundation later established an office in Moscow, ostensibly to oversee
Russia’s “hoped-for” evolution from communism to free market economics.]
OCTOBER 24, 1975 THE WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF PHILADELPHIA ISSUED “A DECLARATION OF INTERDEPENDENCE”, by well-known historian and liberal think tank Aspen Institute board member Steele Commager. This document was a contribution to our nation’s celebration of its 200th birthday, and was signed by 125 members of the U.S. House and Senate. (YES! 125 members of Congress in 1975 signed this treasonous document.)
Excerpts follow:
WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HISTORY the threat of extinction confronts mankind, it is necessary for the people of The United States to declare their interdependence with the people of all nations and to embrace those principles and build those institutions which will enable mankind to survive and civilization to flourish…
Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order…
WE AFFIRM that the economy of all nations is a seamless web, and that no one nation can any longer effectively maintain its processes of production and monetary systems without recognizing the necessity for collaborative regulation by international authorities.
[Ed. Note: In 1976 the National Education Association produced a social studies curriculum entitled A Declaration of Interdependence: Education for a Global Community which Congresswoman Marjorie Holt (R.-MD) described as “an atrocious betrayal of American independence.” It wasn’t until the 1980s and 1990s that the relationship between “interdependence” or “new world order” and America’s education of children became prominent in outcomes in each state. Interdependence is also an undergirding concept in global education. In 1976 a coterie of internationalists thought their plans would have smooth sailing, not the resistance they encountered at the grassroots level which set them back a good twenty years. What we are experiencing in 1999 (American soldiers being deployed world-wide as part of United Nations “peace-keeping” operations, and UN land confiscation through executive orders, etc.) was delayed by the activism of courageous Americans to whom we all owe an enormous debt of gratitude.]
3D, page 265.
(5) Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies (Charles Scribner’s Sons: N.Y., 1934). This study was funded to the tune of $340,000 by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, quite a sum of money in 1934 dollars! Professor Harold Laski, the philosopher of British socialism, said of this report: “At bottom, and stripped of its carefully neutral phrases, the Report is an educational program for a Socialist America.” An important and revealing excerpt from Conclusions and Recommendations follows:
The Commission was also driven to this broader conception of its task by the obvious fact that American civilization, in common with Western civilization, is passing through one of the great critical ages of history, is modifying its traditional faith in economic individualism [free enterprise], and is embarking upon vast experiments in social planning and control which call for large-scale cooperation on the part of the people… (pp.12)
…Cumulative evidence supports the conclusion that in the United States and in other countries the age of “laissez faire” in economy and government is closing and that a new age of collectivism is emerging. (p. 16)
That a “new age of collectivism” has emerged and is being implemented right now under our very noses in “The Noxious Nineties,” with little or no outrage from the public or our elected officials, can only be attributed to the “deliberate dumbing down” of Americans, who haven’t been taught the difference between free enterprise and planned economies (socialism); between “group thinking” and individual freedom and responsibility.