Does Donald Trump Support the Following Agenda? (Project BEST)

Ian Trotter’s interview (video below) with me, Charlotte, starts at 18:07 minutes and goes through to the end. This interview took place about 3 years ago.

It is an overview of how USA went from a Constitutional Republic to a Socialist Democracy in less than 100 years.

I’ve done hundreds of interviews over the past 20 years, many of which I had forgotten such as this one in which I cover just about everything, everybody involved, every quote of importance regarding the dismantling of our Constitution and our nation’s restructuring planned by Carnegie in 1934, or before, all the way through to Reagan’s White House Private Sector Initiative (unconstitutional merger of public and private sector) 1981, Project Better Education Skills through Technology(*) (BEST) 1982 which I leaked. (U.S.-Soviet education/cultural agreement) 1985 and 1989, and Carnegie Foundation Agreement with Soviet Academy of Science, 1985.

This video is also available from our INTERVIEWS page. Charlotte considers this particular interview of great significance, at this point in time, and that is why we are including it in this articles section.

In regard to the unconstitutionality of Project BEST, on a sheet circulated within the U.S. Department of Education as an internal document entitled “Project BEST Dissemination Design Considerations,” there appeared the following information:

PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES What We Can Control or Manipulate? = State participation/selection process Role of advisors Content of program Training of state leaders Resource people utilized Basic skills content areas emphasized Perception of need to use technology.

BEST’s promotional flyer blatantly discussed how the project would serve not just in education, but for other program areas as well, to implement the national/international management system (MBO, PPBS, TQM):

In addition, the State Team approach and the communications network with professional associations and other groups established by the project will serve as a model for the states in implementing similar efforts in other areas of education, or in such program areas as health, human services, housing, transportation, etc.

The unconstitutional change in USA forms of government and economy resulting from the above Reagan and Carnegie agreements/activities has now been carved in stone through President Trump and Secretary DeVos’s unconstitutional implementation of tax-funded charter schools for workforce training (aka Soviet style).

There hasn’t been a peep out of the mouths of Democrats regarding the commie agenda since 1934 when Carnegie first called for getting rid of the capitalist economic system and in some cases taking our land. Cit. Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies, Carnegie Corp. 1934 and when U.S. Chamber of Commerce adopted its socialist/communist agenda post 1945.

Can’t get the following two quotes out of my mind…

C.S. Lewis:

“If education is beaten by training, civilization dies,” he writes, and “for the lesson of history” is that “civilization is a rarity, attained with difficulty and easily lost.” It is the liberal arts, not vocational training, that preserves civilization by producing reasonable men and responsible citizens.

Prof. Eugene Boyce, University of Florida quote regarding computers: 3D, page 198: THE COMING REVOLUTION IN EDUCATION: BASIC EDUCATION AND THE NEW THEORY OF SCHOOLING (University Press of America, Inc.: Baton Rouge, 1983) by the late Eugene Maxwell Boyce, former professor of educational administration, Bureau of Educational Studies and Field Services,College of Education at the University of Georgia, was published. An excerpt follows: In the communist ideology the function of universal education is clear, and easily understood. Universal education fits neatly into the authoritarian state. Education is tied directly to jobs—control of the job being the critical control point in an authoritarian state. Level of education, and consequently the level of employment, is determined first by level of achievement in school. They do not educate people for jobs that do not exist… No such controlled relationship between education and jobs exists in democratic countries. (p.4)