Update: Elisabeth Trotto Obituary – Visitation & Funeral Information

Beth Trotto, Australian born, nation’s finest education researcher since her arrival in the USA in the early seventies, American citizen since early eighties, is leaving us, or has already passed on to “greener pastures”.

Beth was the principal researcher, over a period of forty years, who educated Charlotte regarding the true purpose of education: to use tax-funded school choice/charters with unelected boards to install the lifelong (under umbrella of the school district) Soviet polytechnical education training system, thus changing the US capitalist economic system to a “planned economy” called for by the Carnegie Corporation in its 1934 book “Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies”.

Beth, Barbara Morris, Ann Herzer (AZ), Cris Shardelman (WA) Jeannie Georges (IN), Peggy and Dennis Cuddy (NC) and Sarah Leslie (OH) had much to do with the excellence of my original small book Back to Basics Reform or OBE… Skinnerian International Curriculum(*) necessary for U.S. participation in a One World Socialist Government scheduled for the early years of the Twenty-first Century, (1985) AND OR my deliberate dumbing down of america, 1999. Many of my articles could not have been written without input of above eight persons, and others, not mentioned in this email. Those reading this tribute to Beth, know who you are.

Beth exemplifies what is known as “the unknown soldier”: foreign born (later becoming a U.S. citizen) never seeking recognition, telling the truth, working day in and day out to preserve the family and to sustain the principles of The Constitution of the United States of America. I called her “Beth the Clipper” since she spent many years, day in and day out, reading and clipping important articles from U.S. and English speaking journals and forwarding clips to all of us researchers. It was Beth who found out what President Reagan had done in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1985, when he signed the education and cultural exchange agreement with President Gorbachev of the USSR! Some well known conservatives, who were present at Geneva conference did not even know what Reagan had done, but Beth found out due to her scouring of U.S. newspapers, notably in this case, The New York Times, which had that bomb on one of last pages, at bottom in small print.

I called her “Big Brain Beth” (3B) due to her extraordinary intellect. The doors to her house in Maryland were always open to us researchers for work sessions and to prepare for hearings in D.C. or elsewhere. She lived by her phone, always available to any of us needing immediate assistance before a radio interview or public presentation.

Please pray that the Good Lord receive her in His Kingdom with all the love and gratitude she deserves.

Thank you,