The Updated/abridged version of “the deliberate dumbing down of america”, 2011 has the following important and quite incredible tidbit of history related to the origins and funding of mental health programs discussed in these Manchester Union Leader articles:

“the deliberate dumbing down of america” (UPDATED, abridged version, 2011, page 14) Col. Bullis’s book Human Relations in the Classroom—Course I, published in 1947, contained the following excerpts in the preface:

    In 1932 the President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching said to Dr. C.M. Hincks, distinguished Canadian psychiatrist and to me, “You in the mental hygiene field are making little real progress with educators with your philosophical lectures, pamphlets and books. Our teachers need something to help them meet the every day pupil adjustment problems of their classrooms. They need simple mental hygiene manuals and practical lesson plans to help their students to gain insights regarding their emotional problems.”

    In 1940 I resigned as Executive Officer, the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, to endeavor to work out practical means of introducing the teaching of positive mental hygiene principles to normal children in public schools. I wished to develop and try out positive mental hygiene lesson plans, which from the beginning I called Human Relations Lesson Plans.

    At this time, Dr. M.A. Tarumianz, outstanding psychiatric leader of Delaware, invited me to come to Delaware to start this experimental work under the auspices of the Delaware State Society for Mental Hygiene. Shortly after, the Committee on Research in Dimential Praecoz (financed by the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite Masons, Northern Jurisdiction)14 and Mrs. Henry Ittleson of New York City also made grants to my work. This combined financial support made it possible for my capable teaching assistant, Emily E. O’Malley, and I to carry on our experimental work in a number of schools in the State of Delaware in Nassau County, New York, and in Brooklyn, New York. We had enthusiastic cooperation from the Delaware State Department of Public Instruction, the New York City Board of Education, Hofstra College, the University of Delaware and the superintendents, principals and teachers of the schools in which we were trying out our Human Relations classes…

    Present indications lead us to believe that starting in September of 1947, a large percentage of the sixth grade classes in the public schools throughout the state of Delaware will have weekly Human Relations Classes based on the lesson plans in this book. During the coming year we expect to develop and try out Human Relations in the Classroom—Course II, for those classes which have had Course I. In addition, we hope to experiment with Human Relations Classes in primary grades, in youth organizations and in religious education.

    Obviously, Col. Bullis and his fellow Mental Hygiene Society members have been very successful. Some of the “Human Relations Lesson Plans” bear a strong resemblance to teaching strategies contained in federally-funded and developed Curriculum for Meeting Modern Problems (The New Model Me) and other controversial National Diffusion Network programs resisted by parents in the 1970s to the present. These programs were so damaging and outrageous that the U.S. Senate passed unanimously the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment and subsequent regulations for enforcement—which due to change agent chicanery and opposition—were never enforced at the local level.

    For over sixty years those who have wanted to experiment with our children in classrooms all over the country have had tools produced with support from tax-exempt foundations, the government, and, at least once, a Masonic organization. Did we know? Did we inadvertently support experimentation with our children and their emotional health in public school classrooms, youth organizations and in our churches?”

[End Quote from Update]

Note from Charlotte: Believe it or not, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ittleson (above) rented our house in Sands Point, Long Island, New York in the early-mid nineteen forties.

In other words, one of the funders of the beginning of these conscience destroying mental health (aka SEL) programs in the public schools was sleeping in my mother’s bed!

SHOCKING WRITINGS IN THE UNION LEADER from December 30, 1957 and January 1, 1958

Established 1863
William Loeb, President and PUblisher
Robert E. Ellis, Comptroller
T.A. Dearborn, Chief Editorial Writer
Walter P. Mullen, City Editor
James R. Bucknam, Night Editor
George E. Connell, State Editor and Circulation Manager

Published daily except Sunday by the Union Leader Corporation
35 Amherst Street, Manchester, N.H.
Monday, December 30, 1957

“THY HANDS have made me and fashioned me; give me understanding, that I may learn Thy commandments.” ONE HUNDRED AND NINETEENTH PSALM 73.

(No. 1 of 2 articles on this subject)


Although we have been extremely interested in mental health problems over the years and impressed by the many scientific advances toward improved treatment and care of the mentally ill, we have been ever more appalled at the almighty gall of those psychiatrists who are seeking to expand psychiatry from help for abnormal mind to the control and regulation of the normal. There are those who would incorporate the evil techniques of brainwashing into the science of psychiatry toward the goal of making YOU a well-regulated little citizen of the world. This small, but influential, group of men and women is not really interested in helping the mentally ill, but rather in modifying human nature to bring about a new world order. Acting through the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Federation for Mental Health, and UNESCO, these power-hungry people are even now acting out the program promoted by G. Brock Chisholm, Canadian United World Federalist of WHO and WFMH fame, who said: “With luck we have perhaps 15 or even 20 years *** in which to change the dearest certainties of enough of the human race, 20 years in which to root out and destroy the oldest and most flourishing parasitical growth in the world, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. *** Psychiatry must now decide what is to be the immediate future of the human race. No one else can. And this is the prime responsibility of psychiatry.”

In future editorials this newspaper will have much to say about the Mental Health and World Citizenship statement prepared for the 1948 International Congress on Mental Health in London. Mrs. Gene Birkeland, writing in National Republic, describes this conference report as “a manifesto for a social revolution as complete as anything ever envisioned by Marx and his disciples.” Having closely examined this report, we quite agree with her.

We believe our readers will be as concerned as we are over the influence of this evil psychiatric manifesto, which apparently serves as inspiration for this arrogant boast in the March, 1953 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science:

“In the realm of value or the ideal, the revolution is hardly well begun. Save for the obvious passing of the dominance of the one institution, the church, which formerly exerted almost undisputed sway in defining both what is and what ought to be the order of good, nothing is clear. *** Into this power vacuum the mental health movement has been drawn. *** With one foot in humanism and the other in science, it seeks to perform, and to a degree does perform, many if not most of the functions of the relinquishing institution–plus, perhaps some others. A revolution in social values is what gives birth to the movement, and it is a revolutionary doctrine that the movement is moved by and expresses.


(end article)
Wednesday, January 1, 1958

Mental Health Mania—II

(No. 2 of 2 articles)

Surveys of mental health facilities and treatment techniques have sometimes been known to go far afield from their stated purposes to include those persons afflicted with so-called “emotional disorders.” By the inclusion of “emotional difficulties” mental health statistics have been exaggerated to the extreme.

Whereas the U.S. Public Health Service reports there are about 600,000 persons under treatment in mental institutions, representing less than one-half of 1 percent of the total population, we are almost daily besieged by claims that one in 10 persons will spend time in a mental hospital. This fantastic figure is arrived at, apparently, by including the Public Health Service’s estimate that 9,000,000 other persons have “emotional difficulties.” Dr. William Menninger, one of the deities of the mental health movement, goes the Public Health Service one better. He says the figure is actually 1 in 1. As one critic so aptly commented, we suppose that would include psychiatrists, too.

One fertile field in which mental health extremists have succeeded in planning their evil seed is education. By employing “youth inventories,” schools are often used as a mans of psychoanalyzing children. Teachers are being employed as amateur psychiatrists to probe the student’s attitudes on religious, social and moral problems–subjects that are rightfully the concern of the church and the family. Complaints are initiated against students the teachers consider “maladjusted” and psychiatric treatment is recommended. Obviously, a child who doubts that the United Nations is “the only hope for peace” needs attention. This attitude is entirely in keeping with the thinking of whose who consistently label pro-American or anti-UN attitudes as “crackpot” or “lunatic fringe.”

A story in the San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune for March 14 provides an interesting case in point. A.R. Fitspatrick, 68, of that California city, actually was committed to a mental institution after a hearing on his sanity, based on his public statements against the United Nations! The examining psychiatrist testified that Fitzpatrick “does not come to conclusions of the majority of his community.”

If ever there was a “lunatic fringe” it most certainly includes those who subscribe to the dangerous One-World philosophy incorporated in the Mental Health and World Citizenship statement prepared for the 1948 International Congress on Mental Health in London. In view of the fact that Dr. Daniel Blain, co-chairman of the current survey of mental health needs and resources of New Hampshire, was an adviser and consultant at the notorious London conference, we cannot help but wonder whether he subscribes to the stated principle that “principles of mental health cannot be successfully furthered in any society unless there is progressive acceptance of the concept of world citizenship.”